Kamagra ( Sildenafil Citrate )
Kamagra wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen bij mannen en pulmonale arteriële hypertensie.
100 mg
12 pillen
¥ 5334.80
¥ 444.69 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
20 pillen
¥ 7113.56
¥ 355.75 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
Toevoegen aan winkelwagentje
bespaar: ¥ 1778.76
100 mg
32 pillen
¥ 10226.39
¥ 320.18 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
Toevoegen aan winkelwagentje
bespaar: ¥ 3984.42
100 mg
60 pillen
¥ 17341.43
¥ 289.05 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
Toevoegen aan winkelwagentje
bespaar: ¥ 9338.49
100 mg
84 pillen
¥ 21788.33
¥ 259.40 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
Toevoegen aan winkelwagentje
bespaar: ¥ 15564.15
100 mg
120 pillen
¥ 27865.76
¥ 232.72 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
Toevoegen aan winkelwagentje
bespaar: ¥ 25436.27
100 mg
180 pillen
¥ 37945.40
¥ 210.49 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
Toevoegen aan winkelwagentje
bespaar: ¥ 42156.61

Algemeen gebruik
Kamagra is een geneesmiddel voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen bij mannen. Het is een analoog van Viagra, of sildenafil citraat, dat wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van seksuele disfunctie bij mannen. Kamagra verhoogt de hoeveelheid bloed die naar de penis stroomt.

Dosering en gebruiksaanwijzing
Een dosis van 100 mg Kamagra begint binnen 45 minuten te werken en blijft 4-6 uur effectief.

Voordat u Kamagra inneemt, is het belangrijk om uw arts te informeren als u allergieën heeft, bloedarmoede, oogziekten, kanker, hoge of lage bloeddruk, onregelmatige hartslag, hartfalen, instabiele angina pectoris, specifieke oogaandoeningen, een penisafwijking of een voorgeschiedenis van dergelijke aandoeningen, of als u proteaseremmers gebruikt voor de behandeling van HIV. Sta niet snel op vanuit een liggende of zittende positie en vermijd het drinken van alcohol omdat dit de bijwerkingen kan verergeren. Neem Kamagra niet in als u al een ander medicijn tegen erectiestoornissen heeft gebruikt. Waarschuw uw arts voordat u Kamagra inneemt als u alprostadil (Caverject, Muse, Edex) of yohimbine (Yocon, Yodoxin, anderen) gebruikt.

Kamagra is gecontra-indiceerd bij patiënten die allergisch zijn voor de medicatie of die behandeld worden met nitraten, zoals nitroglycerine. Deze combinatie kan resulteren in een zeer lage bloeddruk die kan leiden tot een beroerte, een hartaanval of de dood. Neem deze medicatie niet in als je jonger bent dan 18 jaar.

Mogelijke bijwerkingen
Sommige patiënten kunnen last krijgen van hoofdpijn, diarree, duizeligheid, maagklachten, braken en verstopte neus. Dergelijke bijwerkingen, zoals blozen in het gezicht, kunnen minder uitgesproken zijn dan bij mensen die Viagra gebruiken. Kamagra kan echter een zeldzame maar ernstige aandoening veroorzaken die bekend staat als priapisme, ofwel een langdurige erectie. Neem onmiddellijk contact op met uw arts als uw erectie langer dan een paar uur aanhoudt.

Wisselwerkingen tussen geneesmiddelen
Kamagra mag niet worden voorgeschreven aan patiënten die behandeld worden met medicijnen die organische nitraten bevatten. Kamagra bloedspiegels worden verhoogd door erytromycine, ketoconazol, itraconazol en saquinavir. Van deze medicijnen is bekend dat ze een wisselwerking hebben met Kamagra: bosentan (Tracleer); cimetidine (Tagamet, Tagamet HB); een antibioticum zoals erytromycine (E-Mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab) of claritromycine (Biaxin); doxazosine (Cardura), prazosine (Minipress), terazosine (Hytrin); HIV-medicijnen zoals indinavir (Crixivan), amprenavir (Agenerase), darunavir (Prezista), efavirenz (Sustiva), tipranavir (Aptivus), nevirapine (Viramune), saquinavir (Invirase, Fortovase), lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra), fosamprenavir (Lexiva), ritonavir (Norvir), atazanavir (Reyataz) of nelfinavir (Viracept); een antischimmelmedicijn zoals itraconazol (Sporanox) of ketoconazol (Nizoral); carbamazepine (Tegretol), fenobarbital (Luminal) of fenytoïne (Dilantin); of rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane) of rifabutin (Mycobutin).

Gemiste dosis
Kamagra wordt ingenomen wanneer nodig, dus het wordt niet verwacht dat u een dosis mist.

Als u een overdosis Kamagra inneemt, kunt u last krijgen van flauwvallen, pijn op de borst, misselijkheid, een onregelmatige hartslag en duizeligheid. Zoek in dat geval onmiddellijk medische hulp.

Bewaar Kamagra bij kamertemperatuur, uit de buurt van vocht en direct zonlicht. Zorg ervoor dat het buiten het bereik van kinderen en huisdieren wordt gehouden en bewaar het in een stevige verpakking.

We geven alleen algemene informatie over medicijnen, die niet alle aanwijzingen, mogelijke interacties met andere medicijnen of voorzorgsmaatregelen omvat. De informatie op deze site kan niet worden gebruikt voor zelfbehandeling en zelfdiagnose. De specifieke instructies voor een bepaalde patiënt moeten worden afgestemd met uw gezondheidsadviseur of behandelend arts. Wij wijzen de betrouwbaarheid van deze informatie en eventuele fouten die het zou kunnen bevatten van de hand. Wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor enige directe, indirecte, speciale of andere schade als gevolg van het gebruik van de informatie op deze site, noch voor de gevolgen van zelfbehandeling.

Wereldwijde Verzending
Verzendmethode Levertijd Prijs  
Levering 14-21 dagen 10$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 4 dagen
Levering 9-14 dagen 30$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 2 dagen
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Patricio Alvarez
5 sterren van 5
I bought Kamagra and took it several times. The effect is good, but there can be some side effects, like dizziness, for example. I had a slight headache, but actually I am not sure that was from Kamagra. In general, everything is fine. The pills are effective! I got them very quickly from the seller site.
cesare balduzzi
5 sterren van 5
I also bought Kamagra on the same site the site, and can confirm they are original and it really works!
Matthew Gosling
4 sterren van 5
I read a list of side effects, and was a bit concerned. So, first I took a half of 100 mg Kamagra pill. It gave the effect, but I’d prefer it to be stronger. Next time I took a full pill of 100 mg, and that was exactly what I need. Not any side effects, just the increased sexual excitement with the expected results..)))
Silvio Chiaverini
5 sterren van 5
People say that Kamagra is produced in 50 mg and 100 mg pills. But I saw it only in 100 mg packs. I think a smaller dosage is less effective. 100 mg is OK with me, if less, it will be not enough, I think. But it works so well, it is a really great medical product!
Loic Masson
4 sterren van 5
I already tried to take Kamagra pills, and I can say that they are good enough, The effect lasts more than 8 hours, which is OK for me. I got them from the trusted company, and they delivered it quickly to me.
Darryl Turner
5 sterren van 5
I am 32, but sometimes I use Kamagra 100 mg. I think that for men of my age this is normal. This product helps me a lot, and it’s harmless. I also buy it here the site.
Teena Stoddart
5 sterren van 5
Fast delivery and 100 % effective pills! Thank you for your quick delivery!
5 sterren van 5
Kamagra pills really deserve the highest rate!!! My wife is happy! The seller site sells the original that really works, and ships them fast as well!
Randy Houseal
4 sterren van 5
Kamagra is a 100 % effective pill for me. I couldn’t boast of a good erection, due to certain circumstances. For me it was a real way out. My dose is 100 mg, and I try not to exceed it. It’s more than enough.
kenneth bohlin
4 sterren van 5
This medicine is good enough. I didn’t regret my online purchase. If you want an original product, take it here the site.At least you’ll be sure that you take an original pill, and not a piece of chalk.
Jose A. Bautista
5 sterren van 5
My erection can last 24 hours.)) Kamagra is the best of all!! I always buy all stuff like this only here the site and nowhere else. Why should I change a reliable supplier?
Gil Vais
5 sterren van 5
It’s not the first time I order Kamagra from the same company, and they always send it to me on time. Kamagra really helps. Highly recommended!
Luigi Sorrentino
5 sterren van 5
The seller sends original Kamagra pills, ships them fast, and everything is OK. Thanks from me and from my wife !))
Ol Dagneaux
5 sterren van 5
It can be also in gel, but pills are better for me (I hate flavors). But 100 mg is the maximum dose per day that I can take. I am satisfied with the effect.. really satisfied..
ahmad banni
4 sterren van 5
I decided to buy Kamagra after I read some reviews about it. Some of them were positive, others were not. I tried to order once on the site. I used to buy Cialis from them before and it was OK. So, I ordered Kamagra and took a 100 mg pill. I noticed the effect within an hour, and it lasted all night. So, I can say these are really good pills. And if someone has no effect, then you buy some fake pills, guys. Buy them in trusted places. Thanks for your attention!
5 sterren van 5
I had problems with erection because of my stressful work. I had also been treated for depression, and my doctor advised to try Kamagra. I made an online order on the site. My friend said they have good original products. So, I noticed the effect of Kamagra quite quickly.
Kevin Simpson
5 sterren van 5
I also started with a 50 mg dose and then increased to 100 mg. I have no headache, no nausea, no high blood pressure or anything else… Everything is just fine... I’ve been using it for several months now, and I feel excellent!!!
morris cicogna
4 sterren van 5
My wife said that I became more energetic than usual.. By the way, I was surprised that I did not notice any side effects, because I mixed Kamagra and wine, that is actually contraindicated. I didn’t even try small dosages, but I took a gel once. Honestly speaking, I prefer pills more, so 100 mg is exactly my dose.
Ron Barrett
5 sterren van 5
Kamagra is number one for me! I always order it online. As there are many fake pills now on the internet. I prefer to buy Kamagra from the certified company. I take Kamagra and other stuff on the site, and I take other good products there as well.
Scott Wery
5 sterren van 5
I consulted my therapist before taking Kamagra. He said that it’s a good stuff, but told me to start with a minimum dosage. So, I started with 50 mg to see if there would be side effects noticeable. But as far as there was none, I continued with a dose of 100 g. I appreciated the effect!
Tain Tang
5 sterren van 5
When I was diagnosed with ED, I tried different prescription drugs at different dosages, but they just did not seem right for some reasons. Then when I found Kamagra 100 mg at my online pharmacy, I decided it would be wrong not to give it a try. I'm thankful I gave it another chance, because this drug worked great for me and keeps doing so. I take it according to the label, never more often than once every 24 hours, no side effects or anything so far.
Harry Alba Medrano
4 sterren van 5
I think Kamagra 100 mg has no real alternative out there, at least nothing else worked for me that well. I took all the famous brand names, paid a fortune for them, but the result was not quite what I hoped for. Kamagra 100 mg gets the job done for me every time: I have very hard erections, they last for as long as I need them to, plus I can have two intercourses if I want, never could do that on my own.
Barry Malone
4 sterren van 5
Kamagra 100 mg is an amazing product! It usually works within half an hour, more if I have a meal with a drink of wine. The sex is amazing for me and my partner, because I'm hard for much longer. Kamagra 100 mg does not just let you have sex, it improves the quality of your sex life. I tried other ED drugs before, none of them was as good.
Yong Meng
5 sterren van 5
I've had erectile dysfunction for years, but only when I met my current girlfriend did I become determined to do something about it. Kamagra 100 mg made me realize it was way too early to become an old man and give up on my sex life. I get rock-hard erections after 40 minutes, so I make sure I take it in advance. It doesn't bother me much, just something I'm learning to live with.
Mattia Moretti
4 sterren van 5
I take Kamagra 100 mg because it's the drug that works best for me. I ordered a bunch of different drugs for erectile dysfunction at this pharmacy and tried them all, one at a time of course. Only with Kamagra 100 mg was a ready to do round two after just 10 minutes of rest, it's truly amazing!
Valdo Dominquez Quintero
5 sterren van 5
Thanks to Kamagra 100 mg my sex life is looking up. It really works! I take it 30 minutes before I need that erection, it's always rock hard. The first time I took it, I had a two-hour long sex marathon, and in the end it was as hard as when we started. My penis seemed bigger too, probably because Kamagra 100 mg helped to reveal its true potential.
Ferrau Chenard
4 sterren van 5
I'm on my third pack of Kamagra 100 mg, and I gotta tell you there is nothing better. I also love shopping for my drug at this pharmacy, it's always very fast and convenient. They deliver sooner that you could reasonably expect no matter where you are. I got my order in a few days, kind of a record actually.
Joseph S. Howard
4 sterren van 5
This pharmacy is my number one destination for quality Kamagra 100 mg. If you are unsure, you really shouldn't be, as there aren't too many good online pharmacies out there. I came here first looking for high quality drugs at reasonable prices but got much more than that. You will especially appreciate their super fast delivery, it rocks!
Roland Simon
5 sterren van 5
If you are looking for a reliable pharmacy to order Kamagra 100 mg from, you are in luck! I've been a regular customer here for years, and not once did I have a problem. Their deliveries are always fast, the quality of my Kamagra is high, and I pay a very reasonable price for all that. You should check this pharmacy out, I am sure you will find everything you are looking for.
Hessu Ristila
4 sterren van 5
This pharmacy is extraordinary. I appreciate their efficient service, fast delivery, high quality Kamagra 100 mg and of course the way they treat me as their customer. These guys are in this business for a reason, so I always feel safe when I come back here to order some drug.
Pampin Corral Pantoja
4 sterren van 5
ED sucks, but not as much when you have Kamagra 100 mg. I tried splitting the pill first hoping that a lower dosage would work for me, but I did not notice much improvement. Then I just took the entire pill and got the effects I needed, guess those guys in the lab know what they are doing after all. Amazing effects and nothing to complain about so far.
Robert E. Horrocks
5 sterren van 5
When you think "online pharmacy", what comes to your mind? Before I found this pharmacy, my associations were "low quality" and "slow deliveries". With this pharmacy, I was glad to forget all about those stereotypes. Kamagra 100 mg they sell here is great, works every time. They also have the fastest deliveries you have ever seen, gotta love those!
Milton Martel
5 sterren van 5
I shop only at this pharmacy, because I appreciate their high quality at reasonable prices. The drug I come here for is Kamagra 100 mg. I have no doubts about the quality of this medicine because it works perfectly for me without any interactions (I also take other prescription medications). I also know this pharmacy can be trusted, because I did my research before coming here. They are known for their fast delivery, it's another point for them.
Orson Orellana Nino
4 sterren van 5
Ordered Kamagra 100 mg at this pharmacy, and some other ED drugs before that (wanted to compare and see for myself). I am sticking to Kamagra 100 mg; as for the pharmacy, it did everything to make my shopping enjoyable and convenient. Had to spend only a few minutes overall, loved the fact you don’t have to provide all that unnecessary information, just the details they need to ship it to you.
Manu Sinervo
5 sterren van 5
I was crestfallen to discover that I would never be able to have sex normally again (meaning without taking a drug), but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My sex life had never been perfect, as I used to last only a few minutes. With Kamagra 100 mg I became a man that could have sex for an hour straight, experimenting and making sure the lady was on seventh heaven at least twice.
Gunnu Haukas
5 sterren van 5
What I value most about online shopping is a chance to save time. This pharmacy does not only save me time, it also offers excellent deals on Kamagra 100 mg. I'm always kinda excited to come over to place an order wondering what else they prepared for me (last time it was free delivery for my large order, for example). Way to go!
Thorkel Nessa
5 sterren van 5
This is an awesome pharmacy that you must visit if you are looking for an efficient yet affordable drug. I purchased Kamagra 100 mg here about a month ago and since then have been recommending it to all my friends. It's not just the ED drugs though, they have a range of prescription medications that you do not need a prescription for, their quality is out of question.
Saku Hyvarinen
4 sterren van 5
Amazing pharmacy, low prices for Kamagra 100 mg - what else could you want? I like the fact you can place an order in just a few minutes, as well as the fact they are a legal pharmacy, which means you will never have problems with your credit card or personal information. I finally found a safe and reliable online pharmacy, so I'm saying here.
Leoncio Estrada Lara
4 sterren van 5
So far I've been taking Kamagra 100 mg for two years having sex once a week. It's still pretty good for a 65-year old. I wish I'd found this stuff sooner, my erection problems had been killing me for years before I did. Well, I'm great now, because I take my pill and can have sex for at least a couple of hours.
Nicol Oldbuck
5 sterren van 5
When I needed Kamagra 100 mg urgently and this pharmacy offered to deliver in only a few days, I was a bit skeptical. Now I just know they are always serious about stuff like that, which is why this is the pharmacy I always come to. They have amazingly fast delivery and a wide range of prescription medications. I always find what I need over here.